A short but eventful week! Enjoy your summer holiday guys!

Our caterpillars turned into a chrysalis/cocoon! This one is light green/yellow.
This one is brown and beige! We can’t wait until they come out!
Making our cheese and tomato crackers
Sticker time!
Reading the story “The Magic Porridge Pot”
Our green peppers have matured and turned red! Full of nutrients!

This week’s nature update!

Can you guess what this is? Tap to find out! Ours has finally bloomed!

Our caterpillar shed its skin again! It’s now entering its 5th instar.

詳しくはこちらをクリック!→ (5齢幼虫とは)

They’re so interesting! Let me see!
We’re practicing how to read musical notes! ♫
We practiced tracing lines in our workbooks!
Time to build a sandcastle!